Driven by our mission

Growing Nutritious Food and Beautiful Flowers that are Good for the Earth, Good for Our Community, and Good for You.

Good for the Earth

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Honoring the Land that sustains us all.

Organic Practices

We use growing practices that build the health of our soil. Our primary soil amendments are compost and natural minerals, following organic standards.

We do not spray synthetic pesticides. Our first line of defense is an integrated pest management system of traps and netting that keep harmful bugs out, without killing beneficial insects like bees. If serious infestations occur we use pesticides derived from natural ingredients which meet strict OMRI organic standards. While most conventional farms spray regularly (often on a weekly or bi-weekly basis), we minimize their use to just a few applications per season.

We never use any herbicides. We suppress weeds with landscape fabrics and wood chip mulch, again in accordance with organic standards.


We use no-till methods to prevent soil compaction and erosion and minimize disruption to earthworms and micro-organisms in our living soil. By increasing the biological activity of our soil we have been able to reduce our fertilizer inputs substantially and increased our plants’ resilience against disease and pests.

Our farm includes untended land and hedgerows to preserve natural environments for local animals and native plants.

Minimizing Pollution

Local produce like ours uses far less fuel to transport, reducing air pollution and the carbon footprint of your food.

We use hand tools for most of our work, using a tractor only occasionally for large seasonal jobs.

We are committed to preventing erosion and fertilizing responsibly to minimize nitrogen run off.

Not Certified Organic?

We are not presently a USDA Certified Organic farm. At this stage, we have chosen not to undertake the substantial time and paperwork commitments required for certification. Most of our practices meet or exceed USDA Organic standards, but we do use some Non GMO seeds that are not certified organic. On rare occasions, we apply some partially synthetic fertilizer for crops that require heavy feeding. We are proud of how we grow and are happy to answer your questions!

Come and See!

If you are curious to see our techniques in action or learn more about how your food is grown, we welcome volunteers to come learn a little and help a little!

You’re also welcome to come on out to one of our seasonal free farm tours & picnics!

Good for You

Food for a healthful life.


We grow the staple veggies you love and are always happy to provide cooking tips for new crops and picky eaters! 

We grow produce with nutrition in mind and our organic growing practices help to improve the nutrient profile of our vegetables.

Safety & Integrity

We began farming with our home garden, concerned about the safety of our food. We care just as much for our customers. We never use toxic synthetic chemicals on our soil or produce. We use only certified organic pesticides, and only spray when we absolutely need to. We never grow food from transgenically modified seed (GMOs).

Good Eating

Cooking and preparing nutritious food is among the best ways to show care for our loved ones. If you're a master home chef or newbie in the kitchen, let us know and we can give recipes or cooking tips.

Knowing the story of our food strengthens our connection to the earth and each other.


Good for Our Community

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Stronger and more Resilient Together.

Strengthening the Local Economy

Buying your food locally cycles money back into our local economy rather than shipping it out of state to middle men, corporations, and industrial farms. We live, shop, buy farm equipment, and pay taxes right here in Warren County.

Local food production keeps our community resilient in hard economic times and strengthens our ability to sustain ourselves for the future.

Giving Back

We proudly participate in Community Farmers Market's "Double Dollars" programs for people of all ages and incomes. If you receive WIC, SNAP, or Senior FMNP assistance you can get twice the cash value of your benefits by buying fresh produce at our booth or any other. No matter how much money you have, all people deserve healthy food. We are dedicated to making our produce affordable and accessible to all.

As part of Growing Together Farm Share we allow members to pay what they can for a weekly supply of fresh local veggies. All our members share this cost with farmers to support food access for all.

Pregnant and nursing mothers can get a free veggie each week from us to support their well-being and nutrition. Just mention it at our market booth.

Please contact us for more information about other cost-sharing and food donation opportunities.

Honoring Labor

Farmers Maxwell, Davida, our part time farm crew, and occasional volunteers do all the work on this farm from sowing to harvesting to selling. Our food is not made artificially cheap through the exploitation of migrant farm workers. We pay our crew the best we can and aim to grow our farm to a scale that will support our family and crew full-time.